Artistic Level Slider

Artistic Level Slider

New Feature Alert! Recraft AI added the Artistic Level Slider – 6 levels of creative control to shape your images. Start at the Simple level to keep things static and clean. Move the slider up to Dynamic or Eccentric to add creativity and movement to your compositions.

Artistic Level Slider demo

Explore the slider and discover the perfect artistic style for your vision: Also, This feature is already available in the API.

Additional feature: option_ photo to ai illustrator convert.

You can already do this in Recraft! Here’s how:

  1. Upload your photo into Recraft.
  2. Use the Extract Prompt button to generate a description from your photo.
  3. Go to the Fine-Tune tab, choose an image style you like, and play with the Similarity slider: anywhere from Quite Similar to Remarkably Similar — to find the perfect balance.